SOLD OUT – Threon Inspiration Day: The Hidden Story: AI’s Revelation of Soft Metrics having impact on strategy delivery

During this Inspiration Day we will not talk about financial metrics, sales figures or operational statistics. We’ll take you along the journey of data that often stays uncovered, the soft metrics.
Soft metrics represent the qualitative nuances of change adoption. They are intangible factors that shape organizational culture, sentiment and employee engagement. Their impact on realizing your strategy is undeniable. And this is where you can enter with AI. With its ability to analyze unstructured data and decipher language nuances, you’ll be able to identify trends and detect issues. Welcome to a new level of strategy delivery!


09.30: Welcome
10.00: Kick-off keynote by Sven Gellens & Peter Van Kerkhove
12.30: Lunch
13.15: Case study by Anouk Devriese
13.30: Interactive workshop
15.30: Keynote by Liliana Carrillo
16.30: Closing & networking

For who?

Leaders steering substantial teams and seeking strategies for smart growth.


Poel 7, Ghent



This event is sold out. Contact in case you’d like to be on our waiting list.