Archives :

Go onderwijs

Implementing Portfolio Management from scratch: GO! Onderwijs’ success story

Our strategy gets executed in a structured way through portfolio management. Resources are allocated to the right projects, in an efficient way via the T-Capacity tool and all noses are in the same direction to successfully reach our strategic goals.

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archive Strategic portfolio management Tools
EIB and threon

How the European Investment Bank (EIB) improved its portfolio, program and project practices with threon

With threon’s help, EIB accelerated its digitization process, resulting in a higher service maturity level. New ideas got centralized and automated reporting was introduced. In other words: threon simplified the program and portfolio processes tremendously.

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archive Strategic portfolio management Tools
LORES AM ThreonBOSSPaints 0134 1

BOSS paints & threon – A collaboration on ERP & efficiency level

With the help of threon we successfully renewed our ERP back-office system and Point of Sale environment in addition to project management support

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Group 437

How threon optimized De Witte – Vandecaveye’s Project Planning

Due to their growth, the organization was able to initiate more new projects. Consequently, more projects mean more time investments, but while the organization is limited in its working time on railway lines, optimized planning was required.

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Group 433

How we guided Cloostermans through its ERP implementation

The business environment in which Cloostermans operates is in rapid evolution. To be able to adapt to changing business conditions and demands, the company chose to re-evaluate their current ERP system. Of course, this kind of strategic choice impacts the whole organization and comes with quite a few challenges.

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